Implementation and interpretation of a scrap and failure oriented multi-objective optimization considering operational wear
Year: 2023
Editor: Kevin Otto, Boris Eisenbart, Claudia Eckert, Benoit Eynard, Dieter Krause, Josef Oehmen, Nadège Troussier
Author: Bode, Christoph (1); Goetz, Stefan (1); Schleich, Benjamin (2); Wartzack, Sandro (1)
Series: ICED
Institution: 1: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Engineering Design, Martensstraße 9, 91058 Erlangen, Germany; 2: Product Life Cycle Management, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Otto-Berndt-Straße 2, 64287 Darmstadt
Section: Design Methods
Page(s): 2225-2234
DOI number:
The tolerancing of products for manufacturing is usually performed at the end of the design process and the responsibility of the designer. Although components are commonly tolerated to ensure functionality, time-based influences, like wear, that occur during operation, are often neglected. This could result in small amounts of scrap after production, but high quantities of failure during operation. To overcome this issue, this paper presents an approach to perform a multi-objective optimization considering tolerances based on a wear simulation. Thereby, mean shifts serve as optimization variables, while the aim of the optimization is to generate an optimal ratio of scrap to failure. In addition, the optimization results are interpreted and further options for the designer are presented. Moreover, the approach is exemplary applied to a use case.
Keywords: Tolerance representation and management, Optimisation, Simulation, Scrap and failure, Operational wear