
A filtered collection of SIG-relevant DS publications will be provided here.

Query returned 1452 results.

Efficiency Assessment of an Evolutive Design System of Car Contours

Cluzel, François; Yannou, Bernard // 2009
So as to create innovative car silhouettes, we propose in this paper a model based on an Interactive Genetic Algorithm using an encoding of a design solution by a Fourier analysis approach. This ...

Embracing Entrepreneurial Behavior in a Research School

Berglund, Anders; Sturm, Dennis; Parida, Vinit // 2009
PIEp (Product Innovation Engineering programme) is a newly established research school in product development engineering with the aim to increase innovation capabilities in the Swedish industries ...

Emotional design: Study of the colour preferences of Iranian users

Khodadadeh, Yassaman; Rostamkhani, Sadaf // 2009
This paper is concerned with emotional design, which can influence user experience and combine it with happiness and enjoyment. Emotions have a crucial role in human ability to understand the world. ...

Evaluation Models in Road Safety: A Systemic Roadmap

Fricheteau, Romain; Mekhilef, Mounib; Page, Yves; Hermitte, Thierry // 2009
The evaluation of the road safety actions' effectiveness is one of the main activities carried out in road safety research departments. Safety actions refer to security measures such as ...

Exploring Knowledge Transfer in a Society of Designers

Gómez de Silva Garza, Andrés; Gero, John S. // 2009
This paper presents an approach to understanding designing that includes societal effects. We use a multi-agent system to simulate the interactions between two types of agents, those that produce ...

Extraction of Latent Emotional Factors by Analyzing Human Sensitivity towards Unexplored Design: Application to Product Sound Design

Yanagisawa, Hideyoshi; Kataoka, Atsushi; Murakami, Tamotsu; Ohtomi, Koichi; Hosaka, Rika // 2009
In the design of emotional qualities one of the most important and difficult issues is setting quantitative evaluation criteria to evaluate such qualities. Most conventional approach formalizes ...

Formal Requirement Formulation and Synthesis in System Engineering

Brace, William Ainoo; Coatanéa, Eric // 2009
Requirement engineering is a specific branch of system engineering and includes activities such as eliciting, analyzing, verifying, and implementation. In software engineering, requirement ...

Framework And Metrics For Assessing The Guidance Of Design Processes

Clevenger, Caroline Murrie; Haymaker, John Riker // 2009
Traditional precedent-based architectural design explicitly generates and analyzes very few options for very few criteria. The introduction of sustainability concerns and building information ...

Functional Basis and B-Cube: Alternative or Complementary Models?

Chulvi, Vicente; Vidal, Rosario // 2009
Human beings have always tried to classify knowledge in order to manage it. A common way to structure knowledge in a hierarchical manner is by means of taxonomies. Within the context of engineering ...

Give Design a Break? The Role of Incubation Periods during Idea Generation

Cardoso, Carlos Coimbra; Badke-Schaub, Petra // 2009
When tackling design problems, designers sometimes become too attached to particular ideas, either developed by them or induced by external exemplars. Inadequate adoption of features and principles ...

Human Factor Early Involvement in Product Design Processes

Scaravetti, Dominique; Montagnier, Elisa // 2009
During the design of man-machine interfaces, Human Factor issues are a key element of the design process performance. However, Human Factor analysis is mostly performed a posteriori, when a prototype ...

Learning to Collaborate During Team Designing: Some Preliminary Results fromMeasurement-Based Tools

Gero, S.John; Kan,W. T.Jeff // 2009
This paper reports on preliminary results of an explorative study of a protocol analysis of team learning while designing using in-situ data. Two measurement-based frameworks are proposed. One ...

Managing Cycles in Development Processes - Analysis and Classification of External Context Factors

Langer, Stefan Frederik; Lindemann, Udo // 2009
Industry is facing diverse challenges initiating from the dynamic temporal behavior and interdependencies of the elements within the innovation process as well as in its context. One central element ...

New ways of data processing for increasing of the efficiency within the product development

Westphal, Christoph; Meerkamm, Harald; Wartzack, Sandro; Paetzold, Kristin // 2009
Future development processes need measurability of the development quality and of the product properties considerable before the beginning of the production and assembly process. This checkup can at ...

On relating functional modeling approaches: abstracting functional models from behavioral models

Van Eck, Dingmar // 2009
This paper presents a survey of functional modeling approaches and describes a strategy to establish functional knowledge exchange between them. This survey is focused on a comparison of function ...

Open-Mindedness, Empathy and Gender Issues: Going beyond National and Corporate Cultures

Stal - Le Cardinal, Julie; Minzoni - Deroche, Angela // 2009
It has become commonplace to speak about national culture and corporate culture. In last ICED, a workshop ended up by a debate about the impact of deeply rooted national culture characteristics on ...

Organizational Factors Affecting Product Innovation Capability: Findings from the Med-Tech Industry

Olsson, Annika; Blomé, Mikael; Guve, Bertil; Kaulio, Matti; Norell Bergendahl, Margareta; Odenrick, Per // 2009
Research in innovation has created much knowledge to apply concerning tools, methods and processes. However, the challenge of allowing "space", time and competence for innovation capability ...

PLM — Digital Engineering and Numerical Simulation for Collaborative Product Development

Kibamba,Yannick; Eynard,Benoît; Troussier,Nadčge; Derigent,William // 2009
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a strategic business approach supporting the collaborative management of product and process de nition information from concept to end of life. This information ...

Pressure and Trust in Competitive Engineering

Pulm, Udo; Stetter, Ralf // 2009
In competitive engineering the term "pressure" is used frequently. Design engineers often face time pressure or cost pressure. Pressure can be described as activities of individuals or ...

Prototyping: Facing Uncertainty through Small Wins

Gerber, Elizabeth // 2009
Design is a learning process in which new knowledge is constructed and used to shape the environment in ways that did not previously exist. Because design is about creating that which does not yet ...

Quantifying Designer’s Mental Stress in the Conceptual Design Process Using Kinesics Study

Tang, Yao; Zeng, Yong // 2009
In this paper, a new approach is proposed to evaluate the designer's mental stress during the conceptual design process. Combined with designer's sketches, the proposed approach is based on ...

Reflection on effects and students' acceptance of methodical competence trainings

Geis, Christian; Birkhofer, Herbert // 2009
A methodical procedure can assist design teams in developing innovative and successful products. Nevertheless, university education often neglects the aspects of methodical teamwork. In this paper we ...

Simulation of Acoustical Product Properties for Technical Systems in Virtual Environments

Husung, Stephan; Weber, Christian; Gramstat, Sebastian // 2009
Virtual Prototyping is an important tool to verify and optimize product properties in the early design phases. By using digital product models many simulations of the system behavior can be carried ...

Study on Personal Characteristics and Affordance Perception: Another Case Study

Kim, Yong Se; Lee, Seongil; Park, Jeong Joo; Kim, Min Kyoung; Kim, Mee // 2009
Affordances could be regarded as an underlying value aspect for human-centered product, space, and service design. User activities in performing tasks are influenced by the way the user perceives the ...

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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